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And so to my next adventure. Ah, my friends! Words cannot express how much I love New York City. I was scared at first. The Big City intimidated me. The first day I spent mostly in the hotel. Admittedly, I was getting drunk, but still; in the hotel. Not good.

The view from our room of West 27th street.

Some people, who shall remain nameless *cough* NIENKE *cough* got slightly more drunk than me.

 Beth (head half cut off), Sandra and Chanelle. Check what's on tv.... that's another story, mind, to be day

But then,

on that first night, like all good tourists myself and my friends were drawn to one place: The Empire State Building. As fortune would have it, I got to the observation deck, at 9pm; sunset, and one of the most breathtaking sites of my life.

No photo could ever do justice to the sights I saw that night. But just look at that sunset!

My camera wasn't too good, so you cannot see everything I Could. The buildings, with the office lights still on; the streets, with cars resembling ants going by; the statue of liberty, with just her torch visible in the harbour. Breath-taking. It sounds so corny, but I fell in love with New York when I saw it. I never wanted to leave. Never. And even now, back home, all I really want is to go back; to see those sights again.
I fell in Love with New York...

So did my friends....

from left to right: me, Nic, Beth, Sascha and Michelle.

Me and Sascha

Then we went to another bastian of tourism; Brooklyn Bridge...

Beth, Sascha & Me

Then ofcourse, there's the gorgeous food...

breakfast on a shoestring budget consisted of: a small coffee from Starbucks, and an EggMcMuffin from Macca's.

The cool-arse buildings with those groovy fire escapes on 'em.

Remembering that I've never seen anything like this, the fact that I could see straight down from the top of my building, kinda scared the bejesus outta me

The great nights out.

Great group photo of Michelle, Me (on my night as Burburry Woman), Aggy, Hodan, Chris and Nic, standing infront of the Empire State Building

The lazy days in Central Park...

We spent an afternoon reading poetry and playing frisbee in Central Park: just so we could say we'd done it!

And getting lost on the subway and ending up crossing the river to Brooklyn when you wanted to go to 89th street. ;-)

We missed our stop alot!

Yep. I LURVE New York City!

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