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One night at Camp Jened, during that final week, Tom, Sas & Pedro decided to play tricks. One such trick was to be played on Hodan. Ah! Poor Hodan.

But what could be done to Hodan? The answer was staring them in the face: Pick her up, tie her to a table on the basketball court and "foam" her! I was sent by Mike to photograph it... for posterity!

Hodan's all tied up.

But of such things, we at camp tire easily. Hodan was soon released... to seek revenge.

Hodan (left), gets revenge on Beth, Sas, Tom, Thamar and Pedro.

All very good. Everyone's having fun! Yay! But then things got ugly. Then these rotten, nasty, evil people turned on the poor photographer who was only there at the behest of her boss.

They're all MEAN and EVIL!

But nobody seemed to consider that the poor photographer was Night Owl and so was 2 hours into a 12 hour shift. Nah! Don't think about that! Just stick shaving foam up her nose and let her work! Not that I'm bitter at all, you understand...

Everyone pity me.

But don't worry. I forgave them.

Me and Beth still in shock.

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