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In the whole of camp there was one place where few people dared to tread. For it was a god-forsaken place. And it smelled really bad. Now if you were not at camp in 2003, you will be forgiven for thinking that I am referring to the convent. No, no my friends. This gutter I speak of was not the convent (the generally disgusting place the guys live).
Indeed, the inhabitants of this dungeon... were girls. Fourteen girls who should have known better and should definitely be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Except for me... cause I was so not messy... except for the times when I was...
And so let me name some of these foul creatures:
LEANNE - Once got drunk and told me who she hated at camp. Buy me bottle of Stella Artois and I'll tell ya everything. |
ELEANOR - The happiest person I've ever met. But holy crap is she MESSY! |
KIM - Until she got fed up of us after a couple of days and went to go live in another cabin.
GEMMA - You know, I don't think I ever saw Gemma on a morning after going to Dutch's... the gal likes her drink. I like her! |
AISLING - AKA "the cripple!" :-D Sorry dude. It did suck that you hurt yourself dude. |
PREMA - Until she went and got herself sacked at the beginning of session seven (many thanks for the correction, Angela). |
MARIA - My beloved spooning partner. |
TONI - Doesn't like cats. (It's a thing). |
GILLIAN - Very rarely came back to the cabin after a trip to Dutch's. Dirty Stop-out. |
VICKIE - Lent me my new favourite books: "Dare To Kiss A Cowboy" and "Seduced By A Stranger". Hey Y'all! |
ALEX - Cause Alex spent every night in cabin M and not the convent with Roland because that's not allowed so she would never dream of doing that! |
NATALIE - She who was forced to come to camp by me. Mwuhahaha! |
EMILY - Ooh! Emily! That's me! But I was so tidy! What?! I was! |
NIENKE - Um... still moody. |
And last and in many, many ways least (you know I love ya really)...
Later to become my travelling buddy on my grand trek across America. We got way too domesticated dude.
I nearly forgot the final member of Cabin Mohawk. Our honourary cabin-mate:
Who, ofcourse never came into the cabin because that's also not allowed so he wouldn't dream of doing that.
So um... yeah. Here. Random pictures.
Leanne. I love Leanne. I really do. She scares the crap out of me though.
Natalie. My friend from back home who I convinced to come to camp (I still don't know how I did that!). It was cool having my friend there. In our 15 year friendship we'd never argued... and then we came to camp together!
This cabin worked hard dudes. It was all-go, all the time. We were always revved and ready for action...
I really hate them for taking this photo. Not a "gosh you guys!" kind of hate, more a "I really am going to kill you" hate. I think I'd overdosed on milk and Coldplay. It's a dangerous mix, you know. But yes, Nienke and Eleanor! I will remember this!
This cabin got drunk. A lot. This cabin suffered for it the next morning. Luckily when I drink I tend to let it all out on the night (hehe - can anyone say puking on strangers' food?), so I was always fine come the morning and could then revel in my cabin-mates pain!
But though I do say this, it is important to point out that some were more tidy than others... You guess which *COUGH Vickie's a slob! COUGH*
And them some people folded their underwear while everyone watched. Like you do. At least while she folded she wasn't pointing.
So yeah, that's kind of it. That was Cabin M 2003. We ruled, we sucked ass (not literally, although with some of them you never know...), we drank. We almost made Adele, Sas and Luuk physically sick when they did a cabin inspection. Yep. That's us. I'm so proud.
Oh, and I just want to say, everything I've said on this page, I've said out of Lurve.