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There are two mains perks of being Counseling Coordinator at Jened Recreation Village.
The first is the much desired Admin Cabin. Oh! Years I longed for one. Well... two summers, but still! That's a lot. The glorious admin cabin where you only had to share with one or two other people instead of the 5000 girls in each living cabin.*
The second though is special. As Counselling Coordinator you get to ride the tractor!
This page is for all the glorious photos that were taken of me driving my tractor around camp. Wonderful sunny days with old faithful chugging away around camp grounds, barely missing running over people** (10 points for an activity staffer). Ah... good times. Good times.
But it broke down. Leanne killed it and so no one will ever see me and my tractor.
I really miss my tractor!
I got nothing, which is so unfair because I was wicked cool on that thing. I mean at first I was more terrfied than anyone has ever been before but eventually... after a few... months I got good and was all with the speeding around camp*** and I rocked! And then the evil Williams stole my tractor and killed it!
So instead this page is here as a memorial to that blessed tractor. We will never forget it. It's memory shall live on in all of us. We're gonna miss you bro. We're gonna miss you.
* = may be an exaggeration.
** = It was ONE time, okay? One time! Let it go!
*** = about five miles an hour. Hey! It was an old tractor!