Jenedians who took him up on the offer were myself, Boo and English Laura.
So we all met up once again in Matt's house. Had a lovely dinner and made our way to the pub (there's always a pub in the story. Always).
Matt and Gaz play the bandit.
Gaz: The expert pool player.
Laura: A not-so expert pool player.
Boo: The Cheerleader.
After a while at the pub the rest of Matt's friends arrived.
Matt's cousin Eddie Jnr wishes him a happy birthday.
Once everyone had gathered we made our way to the coach for the drive to Leeds and the gig. On the bus the jenedians got to know... Dyson.
The gals and Dyson.
Laura isn't entirely over the moon about this introduction
But Dyson seemed to have a good time.
And so we arrived, had a few drinks. Got to know Eddie Snr...
Me, Laura and Eddie.
Boo had a bit of a dance.
Matt went crowd-surfing.
Then got a bit sweaty.
Matt and Eddies Jnr and Snr.
Lovely, Mr Johnson.
I think he's enjoying himself.
Laura makes it easy for me to choose which photos I'll be posting.
Gaz, his mum and yours truly.
Gaz and Eddie.
Boo the burger thief.
Lead singer Jep gets into the audience participation thing.
And finally the night came to an end. We staggered back to the bus, but the party carried on regardless.
Boo represent!
Alreeeeiiight, Cock?!.
What a different ten minutes makes.
Night, night, Boo. You lightweight..